Allergy Dog Shampoo

Allergy Dog Shampoo

Introducing our latest shampoo for dog allergies from Allersearch...

The Pet+ Oatmeal Anti-Allergen Dog Shampoo!

The Allersearch Pet+ Oatmeal Allergy Dog Shampoo cleans, deodorises and removes unwanted dander in one application, whilst also neutralising all other common natural allergens. It is ideal for people that are allergic to pet dander.

Furthermore, Pet+ Oatmeal Allergy Dog Shampoo will protect your pet from ticks and fleas. The Pet+ Oatmeal Allergy Dog Shampoo is completely natural and consists of plant and root extracts, its hypoallergenic formula is biodegradable, non-toxic, and completely free of fragrance, dyes or ammoniates. It's extra-thick moisturising formula is made using Oatmeal and Tea Tree Oil.


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